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1948 Original Equipment Blog - Original Equipment Blog


Keep up to date with the latest blog posts from 1948 Original Equipment.

Shows and the Public.

We have attended and sold our products at more shows than ever this year....

See us at Shows

If you look in the News Section we have just published .....

This is a subject that seems to take up a disproportionate amount of space in our blog....

Shows in 2012

Well! - debate rages about Land Rover Shows in 2012....

Land Rover Shows

I have left it a little while before writing any thoughts about the LRO Peterborough Show............

I had only planned two Land Rover Show blogs but realised I could not omit stories about the weather......

Food has always been an interesting subject. Most showground catering is not the best......

You never really know what you are going to get at a show. At the end of some we vow 'never again!'.....